题目: Digital Archeology of Software
报告人简介: Audris Mockus,软件工程领域数据挖掘和分析的先驱。在2007年Communications of the ACM公布的研究机构排名中,被评为全球软件工程研究人员50佳,并在50佳中位居第9。2010年获ICSE十年最有影响论文(most influencial paper award),2011年获ICSE十年最有影响论文提名奖。
Professional and social activities are increasingly software mediated thus generating vast digital traces representing projections of collective and individual actions. The reconstruction and quantification of the behavior of an individual, an organization, or a society from these projections is the main challenge of digital archeology. I will illustrate the approach using examples of radical changes in software development practices driven by the open source movement and the business needs to move development to low-cost locations. In particular, I will discuss the design end evaluation of the measures for mentor-follower relationships in code ownership. Success in open source and commercial projects critically depends on willing expert participants. Unfortunately, long-term active participation is necessary to acquire project's expertise. I will discuss the design of measures for the willingness of new
contributors and for the climate they encounter when joining. More passionate joiners encountering a nurturing climate had dramatically greater chances to become long-term contributors in Mozilla and Gnome projects. I'll conclude by outlining approaches to data collection and by synthesizing the goals of digital archeology that may provide unique insights into
human nature!
Audris Mockus designs data mining methods to summarize and augment the system evolution data, interactive visualization techniques to inspect, present, and control the systems,
and statistical models and optimization techniques to understand the systems. Audris Mockus received B.S. and M.S. in Applied Mathematics from Moscow Institute of Physics and
Technology in 1988. In 1991 he received M.S. and in 1994 he received Ph.D. in Statistics from Carnegie Mellon University. He works at Software Technology Research Department of
Avaya Labs. Previously he worked at Software Production Research Department of Bell Labs.